
Since its inception, WNFM has fostered timely information on nuclear fuel trends and helped its members shape effective nuclear fuel strategies.

WNFM members include companies in various aspects of the fuel cycle, including fuel suppliers and producers; nuclear fuel buyers, traders and brokers; investment firms; insurance/risk management entities; transporters; government policymakers; and consultants/analysts.

WNFM organizes and hosts a well-attended annual meeting featuring various sessions that provide a look at issues based on a common theme. A strong differentiator of WNFM annual meetings is its intimacy - the meeting is an informal one and encourages interaction, both within the group discussions as well as the opportunity for more informal, smaller group interactions. The meeting provides a helpful forum for the discussion of issues of interest to its members and the industry at large.

Welcome to the Greatest Show On Earth!

June 2 - 4, 2025

The WNFM 51st Annual Meeting and International Conference on Nuclear Fuel will be held at the Shangri-la Sydney in Sydney, New South Wales. 

Building the Jigsaw Puzzle

June 2 - 4, 2024

The WNFM 50th Annual Meeting and International Conference on Nuclear Fuel will be held at the InterContinental in Atlanta, Georgia. 

Mind the Gap

June 4 - 6, 2023

The WNFM 49th Annual Meeting and International Conference on Nuclear Fuel will be held at the Grand Hotel Union EuroStars in Ljubljana, Slovenia. For General Registrant Information, please refer to this link. 

Navigating the Storm Towards a Brighter Future

The 48th Annual Meeting & International Conference was held in Canada in Montreal, Quebec on June 5 – June 7, 2022 at the Hilton DoubleTree in Downtown Montreal.

Since the dawn of the commercial nuclear power industry, the international nuclear fuel markets have undergone a nearly continuous cycle of change. Today’s markets are no different, as is evidenced by the impacts of strained global supply chains, increasing worldwide interest in SMRs and advanced reactors, a recent surge in acquisitions by the investment sector, and a migration toward Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations in decision-making, just to name a few. These important trends, overlayed by several recent geopolitical events, present a rather interesting, if not challenging set of circumstances for market players to navigate.

Participants of the 48th Annual Meeting heard expert presentations and panel discussions aimed at analyzing current market trends and helping market participants make informed decisions to meet their future needs as part of unpacking the meeting’s theme for 2022.

Supply & Demand – What Really Matters

For the first time ever, the 47th Annual Meeting & International Conference was held virtually in response to the ongoing COVID Pandemic. Participants of the 47th Annual Meeting heard from experts on the factors that are expected to shape the future landscape of front-end fuel supply and demand, which is “what really matters” to the front-end fuel markets. The first session focused on important developments impacting the demand for nuclear fuel, including new reactor builds, new accident tolerant fuels, and plant life extensions for the existing fleet. The second session covered essential solutions and ongoing efforts by prominent producers to overcome difficult challenges and fulfill future fuel supply needs. Both sessions concluded with a panel discussion of leading fuel cycle experts to examine the most crucial issues impacting supply and demand dynamics.

Restructuring for a Better Future

The 46th Annual Meeting & International Conference was held in Lisbon, Portugal on June 9 – June 11, 2019 at the Intercontinental Hotel.

The theme of this conference – Restructuring for a Better Future – is inspired by the reconstruction and reformation of Lisbon after the 1755 earthquake that destroyed most of the city. As the 46th Annual Meeting of the World Nuclear Fuel Market convenes in Lisbon, we reflect on the opportunities that restructuring can bring about to set the foundation for a better future. Nuclear fuel suppliers and buyers continue to seek opportunities to restructure, to optimize and remodel their business strategies, to set a new foundation from which the industry can grow and survive. More than ever, there is a need for the nuclear industry to reinvent itself with commitment, vision, patience and resolve -- to preserve and sustain its contribution to energy supply security and environmental stewardship. Attendees to the 46th Annual meeting will be treated to an examination of factors shaping front-end supply.


By becoming a member of WNFM, you will gain access to leading thinkers, experts, companies, and organizations in our field.

This will benefit all of your organization’s fuel procurement activities. You’ll gain access and exposure to the international nuclear fuel markets and always stay up to date on all WNFM — and its working groups — are doing. LEARN MORE >

Make Plans Now...

Make Plans Now
Join us for the next World Nuclear Fuel Market Annual Meeting June 2-4, 2025, in Sydney, Australia.

Meet and network with others. Engage in positive debate. Gain valuable insight from thought leaders in our industry. And meet others facing similar issues. LEARN MORE >