The World Nuclear Fuel Market (WNFM) was established in 1974 to promote international commerce in nuclear fuel materials. WNFM membership comprises about 80 companies representing around 21 countries, and the WNFM welcomes all nuclear fuel industry organizations and other interested parties to join.

The WNFM’s efforts have evolved to a focused, ongoing dialogue among industry participants to solve commercial, nuclear fuel-related problems through the WNFM Annual Meeting.

Learn about the WNFM Board > 

Why Join WNFM?

The WNFM is a member driven non-profit organization dedicated to encouraging open and constructive dialogue between nuclear fuel participants about current issues facing our market.

Membership is comprised primarily of organizations who actively participate in all aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle including fuel suppliers, fuel buyers, traders, brokers, investment firms, consultants, transporters, and government policymakers.

The WNFM organizes and hosts an intimate and informal annual meeting featuring timely information and discussion on current market trends, to help shape effective strategies for our members and to provide a forum for interaction for the industry at large. We pride ourselves on having our annual meeting being organized by the membership itself, through an elected board who are actively involved in the nuclear fuel market.

For the latest market trends solely focused on nuclear fuel, there is no better option.

If an organization wishes to join WNFM, please contact us to express interest in becoming a participating member organization (the process includes completing appropriate paperwork, approval from the WNFM Board of Governors, and submitting membership dues).

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For More Information about WNFM

For more information about how participating in WNFM can benefit your organization’s nuclear fuel procurement activities and provide exposure to the international nuclear fuel markets, please Contact Us.


By becoming a member of WNFM, you will gain access to leading thinkers, experts, companies, and organizations in our field.

This will benefit all of your organization’s fuel procurement activities. You’ll gain access and exposure to the international nuclear fuel markets and always stay up to date on all WNFM — and its working groups — are doing. LEARN MORE >

Make Plans Now...

Make Plans Now
Join us for the next World Nuclear Fuel Market Annual Meeting June 2-4, 2025, in Sydney, Australia.

Meet and network with others. Engage in positive debate. Gain valuable insight from thought leaders in our industry. And meet others facing similar issues. LEARN MORE >